In October 2018, the Library published a new digital strategy describing the Library’s objectives for digital transformation over the next five years. The strategy describes goals such as growing online collections, creating opportunities for deeper engagement, and investing in an innovation culture that supports a changing information landscape. In an effort to reflect some of …
The Digital Content Management section has been working on a project to extract and make available sets of files from the Library’s significant web archives holdings. This is another step to explore the web archives and make them more widely accessible and usable. Our aim in creating these sets is to identify reusable, “real world” content in the Library’s …
An introduction to the project "Connections In Sound" by Patrick Egan. This post outlines progress that has been made in the project to date, data sets and descriptions of how to read these data sets. Two visualizations are provided for users to browse ongoing developments in Patrick's work, and a number of links are provided for users to utilize the data from the research.
The Digital Content Management section has been working on a project to extract and make available sets of files from the Library’s significant web archives holdings. This is another step to explore the web archives and make them more widely accessible and usable. Our aim in creating these sets is to identify reusable, “real world” content in the Library’s …
When 10 new staff members joined the Digital Content Management (DCM) section last year, our unit more than doubled in size. We were excited to expand the groundbreaking work done by our web archiving and digital collections colleagues, and we were energized by the Library’s strategic planning efforts that were underway at the time. As …
This is a guest post from Tahir Hemphill, the 2018 Harissios Papamarkou Chair in Education at the John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress. The Labs team first met Tahir – a creative technologist, educator and radical archivist – when we invited him to speak at our Collections as Data: Impact conference about his …