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Category: Digital Content

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WARCreate and Future Stewardship: An interview with Mat Kelly

Posted by: Trevor Owens

The five recipients of the inaugural NDSA innovation awards are exemplars of the creativity, diversity, and collaboration essential to supporting the digital community as it works to preserve and make available digital materials. In an effort to learn more and share the work of the individuals, projects and institutions who won these awards I am …

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Digital Strategy Catches up With the Present: An Interview with Smithsonian’s Michael Edson

Posted by: Trevor Owens

For this installment of Insights, the National Digital Stewardship Alliance Innovation Working Group’s ongoing series of interviews, I talk with Michael Edson, the Director of Web and New Media Strategy at the Smithsonian Institution. Edson gave a compelling talk at last year’s NDIIPP/NDSA conference, Let Us Go Boldly into the Present I’m excited to take …

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Preserving Online Science: Reflections

Posted by: Trevor Owens

50 years from now, what web content from today will be invaluable for understanding science in our age? What kinds of uses do you imagine this science content could serve? Lastly, where are the natural curatorial homes for this online content and how can we work together to collect, preserve, and provide access to science …

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One Culture: Digital Collections, Computational Humanities and History at Scale

Posted by: Trevor Owens

How can the nature and practice of humanities research change in the face of the scale of digital cultural heritage collections and the possibilities offered by computational analysis? This was the core question in the recent Joint Council on Digital Libraries round table discussion of the Digging into Data challenge. The session description does a …

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Web Archiving and Mainstreaming Special Collections: The Case of the Latin American Government Documents Archive

Posted by: Trevor Owens

When historians of the future want to understand Latin American governments, they are going to be thrilled that curators like Kent Norsworthy from University of Texas Libraries have been preserving Latin American government websites. Since 2005 the Latin American Government Documents Archive  has been collecting, preserving, and providing access to ministerial and presidential documents from 18 Latin …

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CurateCamp Processing: Processing Data/Processing Collections

Posted by: Trevor Owens

Alongside this year’s NDSA/NDIIPP conference, DigitalPreservation 2012, we are excited to try out another kind of meeting, an unconference. In conjunction with DigitalPreservation 2012 we are going to play host to a CurateCamp. For those unfamiliar with unconferences, the key idea is that the participants define the agenda and that there are no spectators, everyone …

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All Digital Objects are Born Digital Objects

Posted by: Trevor Owens

Consider this digital photo I took of the face of the Albert Einstein Memorial outside the National Academy of Sciences. Although my photo tells us something about what the memorial looks like, I don’t think anyone would say that I “digitized” it.  We think about this kind of photo as a creative work (albeit not …

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ArtBase and the Conservation and Exhibition of Born Digital Art: An Interview with Ben Fino-Radin

Posted by: Trevor Owens

To try and better communicate and share information about the work happening at organizations in the National Digital Stewardship Alliance we are trying out a new series for the blog that draws attention to particularly interesting and valuable born-digital collections. This series will profile particular collections and incorporate conversations with curators, archivists, librarians, historians, scholars …