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Category: Web Archiving

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Dodge that Memory Hole: Saving Digital News

Posted by: Abbey Potter

Newspapers are some of the most-used collections at libraries. They have been carefully selected and preserved and represent what is often referred to as “the first draft of history.” Digitized historical newspapers provide broad and rich access to a community’s past, enabling new kinds of inquiry and research. However, these kinds of resources are at …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Users, Use Cases and Adapting Web Archiving to Achieve Better Results

Posted by: Butch Lazorchak

The following is a guest post from Michael Neubert, a Supervisory Digital Projects Specialist at the Library of Congress. In a blog post about six months ago I wrote about how the Library of Congress web archiving program was starting to harvest “general” internet news sites such as Daily Kos, Huffington Post and, as …