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Archive: 2023 (61 Posts)

The cover of "Collection Close-up: American Feast: Cookbooks & Cocktails from the Library of Congress by Zach Klitzman and Susan Reyburn.

Tasty Morsels from “American Feast”

Posted by: Sasha Dowdy

"American Feast," a recent Library publication, tells the story of American food and drink via cookbooks, advertisements, movie posters, and other items from the Library's vast culinary collections.

This is your sign to… Volunteer at the 2023 National Book Festival!

Posted by: Sasha Dowdy

Do you love books, being surrounded by other book lovers, volunteering, working with a team, and/or having a blast? Then this is your chance to sign up to volunteer at the Library of Congress National Book Festival! Read more for requirements and the application process. Whether you're returning or signing up for the first time, we hope you can join us!

Of Butterflies and Other Things: Natalie Merchant Visits the Harned-Whitman Papers in the Manuscript Division

Posted by: Sasha Dowdy

To celebrate Walt Whitman's birthday and to get ready for a barefoot, revitalizing summer, we share his love for nature's sounds and music, and a legacy of inspiration. Singer-songwriter Natalie Merchant is among many who were inspired by his work - take a peek at her visit to the Library and the Harned-Whitman Papers in the Manuscript Division.