This “Literary Treasures” post, written by intern Rhosean Asmah, examines an audio recording from the Archive of Recorded Poetry and Literature featuring Claudia Rankine and David Mura reading their poems at the Library of Congress on Nov. 30, 1995.
For a limited time only, through October 23, 2020, you can watch the films that were finalists for the 2019 Library of Congress Lavine/Ken Burns Prize for film.
Jason Reynolds, the National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature, uses his October newsletter to give tips to students on making the best of remote learning.
Now the country can celebrate Gluck's achievement, and she joins Joseph Brodsky as the only other Nobel winner who held the U.S. poet laureate position.
Recently, Twilight series author Stephenie Meyer talked about her unpublished sequel to the original Twilight story, Forever Dawn. This post explores unpublished copyright registration deposits such as Forever Dawn, why they are at the Library of Congress, and ways for the public to access them.
To celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress announces the release of fifty new audio recordings from the Archive of Hispanic Literature on Tape (AHLOT), now rebranded as the PALABRA Archive, for online streaming. As part of this release, the Hispanic Division is also launching a series of new online features that will celebrate the PALABRA Archive and show you and others how to better access its materials.