This article is about the experience of a summer intern in the Preservation Directorate, General Collections Conservation Section at the Library of Congress. It contains descriptions of basic repairs, book-making and paper-making labs, and other activities.
Lieselotte Dubert, interned for the Preservation Research and Testing Division (PRTD) over the summer, she worked to expand their colorant reference collection. PRTD has a collection of over 500 pigments and dyes within their collection of reference materials and samples.
This blog highlights the projects carried out by two student interns: at the Collections Management Division this summer and what this experience will mean to their careers.
This is a guest post by Brandon Mack, Preservation Services Division Intern The Library of Congress is magical. That is the best way I can explain my experience. The scope, the people, and the history have all blown my mind at every step of my internship. It also helps that as an intern for the …
The following is a post by Anna Katherine Overstreet and Alexandra Ptacek, 2022 Junior Fellows, Preservation Directorate. Anna Katherine recently graduated with her undergraduate degree in mathematics from Mississippi State University, and she will be returning in the fall for a graduate degree in statistics. Alexandra is a graduate student of Anthropology and Museum Studies …