Following the Jikji Colloquium which took place at the Library of Congress in early 2023, Conservation staff member Chloe Genter sits down with Dr. Banda, the UNESCO Chief of Documentary Heritage, to discuss UNESCO’s role in raising awareness of the impact of the Buljo jikji simche yojeol.
The Inks and Skins collaboration studies material aspects of medieval Gaelic manuscripts, fusing scientific analysis with codicology and linguistic study. These manuscripts contain a wealth of tales and poetry, historical, legal, and scientific writing from medieval Ireland. The manuscripts themselves, their creation, and their survival each have their own tales to tell.
This Friday, November 3 is Ask a Conservator Day. This is an annual event organized by the American Institute for Conservation that allows conservators to share their work and their role in cultural heritage preservation with the public. Here is an interview with Kate Morrison Danzis, a preservation specialist in the Conservation Division of the Library of Congress.