The Library of Congress is searching for its next Director for Preservation. Come learn about the position requirements at the Career Showcase webinar on December 3rd.
Jacob Nadal has been the Director for Preservation for the last seven years. As his time at the Library comes to a close, he sets down his thoughts about preservation and leadership and says a warm farewell.
By teaching Joe, my cat, about archives and preservation, I teach myself the best ways to communicate for each project or outreach event I participate in. Joe serves as my test audience, and while he might not directly tell me if I need to expand upon or parse out a section, presenting to him helps me analyze it for myself.
American Chemical Society SEED intern David Kim waded into unknown terrain during his summer internship in the Preservation Research and Testing Division with the research question - would it be possible to identify traditional Meso-American organic yellow colors, using only non-invasive analytical methods?
A wholly unique object acts as a snapshot in time. The object - an Explainette, and its accompanying film, LPs, and booklets featured a variety of different materials and challenges. It came to the Conservation Division for treatment and housing so that it could be regularly displayed for visitors in the future.