The author connects with the past by sewing a dress inspired by one worn by pageant director Hazel MacKaye, as seen in a photograph from the National Woman’s Party Records.
Lindsay Musil discusses her work in the Manuscript Reading Room as the 2023 Elizabeth Brown Pryor intern and her participation in the Library of Congress Junior Fellows program.
Explore the Manuscript Division’s new online resource guide, “Accessing Born-Digital Manuscript Material”, and discover how to leverage born-digital manuscripts in your next research project.
Letters exchanged between two great women of medicine, Elizabeth Blackwell and Florence Nightingale, demonstrate differing perspectives on women’s roles in the medical profession in the nineteenth century.
Cornelia Bryce Pinchot visited Iran in 1949 and returned to the U.S. with a striking public health poster warning against the spread of the infectious eye disease, trachoma.