The following is a guest post by Donnie Summerlin, a Digital Projects Archivist at the University of Georgia Libraries in Athens, GA, and by Kerry Huller, a Digital Conversion Specialist in the Serial and Government Publications Division at the Library of Congress. The University of Georgia is the National Digital Newspaper Program awardee for the state of Georgia.
From the feared fruitcake to the mysterious figgy pudding, the winter holidays are a wonderful time to get creative in the kitchen. It may surprise you to learn that many familiar holiday recipes have traveled several centuries and continents from their origins to end up on our tables. Please enjoy these festive recipes from the past and find more to savor in historic newspapers on Chronicling America.
Thanksgiving is the one American holiday defined by its cuisine. Here is a brief history (and recipes!) of some of the dishes that have come to represent a traditional Thanksgiving meal.
Halloween is almost here! For a real fright on all hallows’ night, let’s delve into horror comics. I’ve always wondered what titles might make Batman’s Halloween reading list, so I decided to take a stab at it by combing through the depths of the Library of Congress’ vast comic book collection and came up with …
The deaths of former U.S. Presidents Thomas Jefferson and John Adams on July 4, 1826, the day of the Jubilee, the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, was an extraordinary and eerie coincidence.
Do you know how to bring yourself good luck in the New Year? From saying "rabbits" to walking backwards up stairs, these tips from our historic newspapers will tell you what to do, what to say, what to eat, and even what to wear to bring yourself good fortune in the New Year.
Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noël, Sheng Dan Kuai Le, ¡Feliz Navidad! Christmas celebrations take place around the world and can vary greatly from country to country with traditions that reflect differing cultural history and national customs. Test your knowledge and learn more about how this holiday is celebrated around the globe!