The following is a guest post by Barrie Howard, Program Management Coordinator, NDIIPP. This post is the third in a short series about U.S. government grant programs that have funded digital preservation since the beginning of the new millennium. This series focuses on federal agencies other than The Library of Congress, such as the National …
One of our annual highlights is The Storage Meeting, which brings together digital preservation practitioners and data storage vendors to have an open discussion. We held this year’s meeting, Designing Storage Architectures for Preservation Collections, during September 26-27, in Washington DC. Over 100 archivists and librarians, computer scientists, IT professionals and storage vendors participated. This …
Back in the early 1970’s when I was just a wee lad, I was smitten with television commercials for a certain product billed as the “uncola.” Of course, calling it the “uncola” was excellent marketing and a great product differentiation hook. When you’re trying to market to people (1970’s teenagers) who are generally free-thinking, inquisitive …
The following is a guest post by Erin Engle, Digital Archivist, NDIIPP. A man wanted to migrate his dissertation from punch cards. A young girl held a floppy disk for the first time and expressed wonder that it had anything to do with digital information. A woman–the family archivist–wanted to pass her digital collection to …
The 2011 Annual Summer Meeting of DataCite, brought data lovers from several nations to Berkeley, CA, recently. A celebration of access and preservation ensued, with communal sharing of case studies, best practices and ideas for future work. DataCite is an organization with members from national libraries and other organizations from around the world that are …
The following is a guest post by Erin Engle, Digital Archivist, NDIIPP. Like many here at the Library, we’re busy preparing for the 2011 National Book Festival on the mall in Washington, DC. The festival will take place Saturday, Sept. 24 and Sunday, Sept. 25. The festival now runs over two days and includes more …
Anyone who is following our program, and our blog, is by now familiar with the National Digital Stewardship Alliance, our partnership initiative that was launched a little over a year ago. The members of the NDSA all share a common purpose, contributing to a collaborative effort to preserve access to our national digital heritage. Since …
The following is a guest post by Trevor Owens, Digital Archivist with the Office of Strategic Initiatives. We are excited to continue our Insights series of interviews, featuring conversations between National Digital Stewardship Alliance Innovation working group members and individuals working on projects related to preservation, access and stewardship of digital information. In this installment, Jane …
The following is a guest post by Laura Graham, a Digital Media Project Coordinator at the Library of Congress. Bit preservation activities for the Web Archiving team include acquiring content, copying it to multiple storage systems, verifying it, and maintaining information current about the content. But even these minimal steps, which do not include managing …