As artists have embraced a range of new media and forms in the last century as the work of collecting, conserving and exhibiting these works has become increasingly complex and challenging. In this space, Richard Rinehart and Jon Ippolito have been working to develop and understand approaches to ensure long-term access to digital works. In …
The following is a guest post from Michael Neubert, a Supervisory Digital Projects Specialist at the Library of Congress. The Library has had a web archiving program since the early 2000s. As with other national libraries, the Library of Congress web archiving program started out harvesting the web sites of its national election campaigns, followed …
Imagine you’re a legal scholar and you’re examining the U.S. Supreme Court decisions of the late nineties to mid-two thousands and you want to understand what resources were consulted to support official opinions. A study in the Yale Journal of Law and Technology indicates you would find that only half of the nearly 555 URL …
The following is a guest post by the entire cohort of the NDSR Boston class of 2014-15. The first ever Boston cohort of the National Digital Stewardship Residency kicked off in September, and the five residents have been busy drinking from the digital preservation firehose at our respective institutions. You can look forward to individual …
The following is a guest post by Jefferson Bailey of Internet Archive and co-chair of the NDSA Innovation Working Group. In this edition of the Insights Interview series we talk with Meghan Banach Bergin, Bibliographic Access and Metadata Coordinator, University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries. Meghan is the author of a Report on Digital Preservation Practices …
The following is a guest post by Vicky Steeves, National Digital Stewardship Resident at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. This is the first in a series of posts by the residents from NDSR class of 2014-2015. I wanted to take this opportunity, as the first 2014-2015 resident to post on …
Some of you information professionals may have experienced incidents where, in the middle of a breezy conversation, you get caught off guard by a question about your work (“What do you do?”) and you struggle to come up with a straightforward, clear answer without losing the listener’s attention or narcotizing them into a stupor with …
The following is a guest post by Carl Fleischhauer, a Digital Initiatives Project Manager in the Office of Strategic Initiatives. During the first week of October, Kate Murray and I participated in the annual conference of the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives in Cape Town, South Africa. Kate’s blog describes the conference. This blog …
Upon seeing the Cape of Good Hope near Cape Town, South Africa, for the first time in 1580, Sir Francis Drake wrote in his diary that “this cape is the most stately thing and the fairest cape we saw in the whole circumference of the earth” And I have to say that I agree. In …