Each summer, the Library of Congress welcomes a cohort of Junior Fellows to its Summer Intern Program. The 10-week paid fellowship allows undergraduate and graduate students to embark on special projects with in Library collections and services, while learning about work in a large cultural heritage organization. This year, in response to the COVID-19 crisis, …
Every year the Library of Congress brings on a cohort of junior fellows to help expand access and use of collections. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic this program shifted to be entirely virtual in 2020. We are thrilled to have Randi Proescholdt, a graduate student from the University of Illinois’ School of Information Science, …
Special Edition: Contracting opportunities!! This time-sensitive message about open procurements comes between our normal monthly updates. Please share widely share with any lists, people, or groups who might be interested! Note: Federal hiring and procurement rules prohibit us from answering questions about open opportunities – please use the contact info provided in the listing. Current Opportunities …
I’m thrilled to share that Mark Lopez has joined the Digital Content Management section as a new Digital Collections Specialist. To that end, I’m also excited to share this interview as part of our occasional series where we learn more about the background, experience, and interests of the people that support the Library of Congress …
Digital collections in libraries are vast—and growing, as we continue to digitize cultural heritage materials and acquire new born digital collections. At the same time, the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence has grown exponentially. At LC Labs, we explore how technology can help fulfill the Library of Congress’s vision that “all Americans are …
Today’s guest post is from Dr. Victoria Van Hyning, who served as a By the People Community Manager at the Library from 2018-2020. Starting in Fall 2020, she will be an Assistant Professor of Library Innovation at the University of Maryland iSchool, where she will continue her research on crowdsourcing, outreach, and inclusion. The …