Registration is now open for DigitalPreservation 2012, which will take place July 24-26. This is the latest in a series of meetings the Library of Congress has held since 2005 as a forum for sharing information about digital stewardship concepts, tools and best practices. The meeting is in two parts. Both will be held as …
How can the nature and practice of humanities research change in the face of the scale of digital cultural heritage collections and the possibilities offered by computational analysis? This was the core question in the recent Joint Council on Digital Libraries round table discussion of the Digging into Data challenge. The session description does a …
This is a guest post from Camille Salas, a summer intern with the Library of Congress. Greetings! I am a graduate student at the University of Maryland’s College of Information Studies where I am pursuing a master’s degree in Library Science with a concentration in Information and Diverse populations. I hold an undergraduate degree in …
Back in the early days of the NDIIPP program we had a series of cross-cutting initiatives that we called “affinity groups.” These groups addressed areas of interest such as “collection and selection,” “technical architecture” and “rights and restrictions” that cut across all the different projects. I was interested in the work of the “economic sustainability” …
Some weeks ago I gave a presentation that I jokingly titled “The Challenges of Preserving Every Digital Format on the Face of the Planet.” Except it’s not really a joke. We often have little or no control over what comes into the Library of Congress Digital Collections, and we manage and preserve a wide variety …
I was hoping to have more to contribute to an after-the-fact blog post on the 2012 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries , which took place last week here in Washington, DC. But because I was on the conference organizing team, I spent most of the time either behind the registration desk answering questions, or running around …
Listen to podcast. Karen Cariani’s background is very different than most of her colleagues in the NDSA Infrastructure working group, and that difference helps stretch both the group and her beyond their comfort zones, to everyone’s benefit. Cariani, director of Boston’s WGBH Media Library and Archives, has worked at WGBH since 1984 where she manages …
The following is a guest post by Emily Reynolds, 2012 Junior Fellow. Last week, the Library of Congress Archives Forum hosted a talk by Kate Theimer of the popular blog ArchivesNext. Theimer is a prominent voice in the archival community, frequently writing and speaking about archival advocacy issues as well as the challenges and opportunities …
We recently celebrated The Signal’s first birthday, and we’re thrilled there are over 10,000 followers of our NDIIPP Twitter account. Social media has become more and more a mass means of communication. We started by dipping our toes in the facebook pool and then swimming laps in the Twitter stream. And a year ago, we …