This is a guest post by Ted Westervelt, head of acquisitions and cataloging for U.S. Serials – Arts, Humanities & Sciences at the Library of Congress. As summer has fully arrived now, so too has the revised 2016-2017 version of the Library of Congress’s Recommended Formats Statement. When the Library of Congress first issued the …
On June 14 and 15, the Library of Congress hosted Archives Unleashed 2.0, a web archive “datathon” (otherwise known as a “hackathon,” but apparently any term with the word “hack” in it might sound a bit menacing) in which teams of researchers used a variety of analytical tools to query web-archive data sets in the hopes of discovering some intriguing insights before their 48-hour deadline …
The following is a guest post by Carl Fleischhauer, who organized the FADGI Audio-Visual Working Group in 2007. Fleischhauer recently retired from the Library of Congress. The Federal Agencies Digitization Guidelines Initiative Audio-Visual Working Group is pleased to announce a milestone in the development of the AS-07 MXF video-preservation format specification. AS-07 has taken shape …