I heard these words a lot this past weekend. That’s because the NLS Music Section made its way to the NAfME (National Association for Music Education) conference in Grapevine, TX. While there, I was able to promote our service to music teachers from all over the country—and some future music teachers too! The refrain I kept …
While reviewing our file archive, I came upon a letter sent to us in 1989 and experienced a sharp reminder of how our services have advanced in filling requests. At times, I have flashbacks to the pre-internet era and usually shudder. Speedy communication is one of the positives of the medium, it seems to me. …
About a month ago, NLS Music Section received 11 international guests who were visiting the U.S. under the auspices of the Department of State’s International Visitor Leadership Program. We happened to be the first destination in their month-long itinerary, and they were eager to hear about the music services we provide for our patrons. The guests …