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Did you know that there is a “White House Commission on Remembrance“?

The Commission, established by Public Law 106-579, has a 10-year mission to “sustain the American spirit through acts of remembrance on Memorial Day and throughout the year … institutionalize the National Moment of Remembrance … enhance the commemoration and understanding of Memorial Day and … educate and give the younger generation a sense of our history and what it means to be an American.”

Statutorily, the Librarian of Congress is a member of the Commission, and his designee is the director of the Veterans History Project.

As alluded above, part of the Commission’s charge is to help unite the country in a Moment of Remembrance every Memorial Day at 3 p.m. local time.

So if you were wondering what’s in the left-hand sidebar (as of this writing), both VHP and this blog have included the Moment of Remembrance countdown clock on our respective sites leading up to Memorial Day.

You can get the code to add the countdown to your own site here

Comments (3)

  1. “One nation under God , with liberty and justice for all”

  2. God bless America!

  3. I wanted to add the countdown ticker to our new blog to show our support, but for some reason I can’t get it to work. Only the text days-hours…etc appears, no numbers. I’ll figure this out soon enough. Thanks for directing us to this site.

    God Bless America!

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