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Archive: June 2014 (3 Posts)

Silver stylized owl with radiant circles around its head, surrounded by a gold frame

Getting Around: Presidential Wheels

Posted by: Jennifer Harbster

Today’s post is authored by Constance Carter, head of the science reference section. Connie has written for Inside Adams before- see her posts on Civil War Thanksgiving Foods,  Food Thrift, the Chocolate Chip Cookie, LC Science Tracer Bullets, and her mentor Ruth S. Freitag. Knowing my interest in all things presidential, a colleague recently left a copy …

statue of Goebel with one arm raised

The Four Days Governor

Posted by: Ellen Terrell

Recently I was in Frankfort, KY visiting a friend and she took me to see the Frankfort Cemetery.  There are a number of illustrious people buried there, including Daniel Boone and many previous governors.  Her favorite, however, was William Goebel, a governor who was assassinated. As a business librarian and blogger, I am always looking …

Silver stylized owl with radiant circles around its head, surrounded by a gold frame

Upcoming Lecture: Saturn’s Moon Titan

Posted by: Jennifer Harbster

With the recent finale of the revamped Cosmos television series where Neil deGrasse Tyson drove the spaceship of the imagination, you might be wondering where you can get your next planetary science fix.  Look no further, the Library of Congress NASA Goddard lecture series can help. On Thursday, June 26th Dr. Carrie Anderson, Associate Chief at NASA …