The Library's Health Services Division and Science Section are co-sponsoring a free webinar on forecasting respiratory diseases for this winter (2024). The webinar will be held on September 19, from 10 a.m.- 12 p.m. (EDT) and will feature two experts in the field from the C.D.C. and Center for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Control at HKU School of Public Health.
The Science Section of the Library of Congress has created a new reference guide to celebrate the double emergence of periodical cicadas this summer (2024).
The Library of Congress will be hosting a virtual panel discussion on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in cancer diagnostics and treatment on December 5, 2023. This event is sponsored by the Library's Health Services Division and Science Section and is part of its annual Cancer Moonshot series.
The Library of Congress Science Reference Section and Technical Reports Section are creating an open access collection of Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) materials, which have previously been accessible only onsite. The collection starts with material from two of the OSRD’s administrative divisions, Division 12: Transportation and Division 16: Optics & Camouflage. Information on topics such as amphibious vehicle studies, DUKW design, bridge, ponton and ferry designs and much more, can be found in reports in Division 12 (Transportation). The Optics/ Camouflage (Division 16) collection includes reports on topics such as aerial photography, camouflage applications, periscopes and other optical instruments.
On Tuesday, May 9, 2023, the Science, Technology and Business Division will welcome NASA Goddard Scientist, Dr. George J. Huffman, to the Library’s Pickford Theater at 11:30AM to discuss NASA’s use of satellite and surface data to understand the processes that create precipitation and how the results can be applied to analyze floods, droughts, and global weather and climate patterns; manage freshwater supplies, provide microinsurance against weather disasters in developing countries, and aid in forecasting agricultural production and outbreaks of some diseases.
The Library of Congress recently acquired Alessandro Piccolomini's 1566 edition of La Sfera del Mondo and De La Stelle Fisse, often regarded as the first printed star atlas. This work by Alessandro Piccolomini was the first to offer an entry into amateur astronomy for the non-scholar.
On Tuesday, December 6, 2022, at 10:30a.m. EST, on Zoom, the Library of Congress will host a Library Health Services Division sponsored, virtual panel discussion on advancements in cancer prevention, detection, and treatment. The event will bring together White House Cancer Moonshot Initiative representative, Dr. Danielle Carnival, and leading scientists, Dr. G.P. Yeh, Dr. Hans-Georg Rammensee and Dr. Louis Weiner.