Larry Doyle has worked on and around Wall Street for the last 30 years, having embarked on his Wall Street career in 1983 as a mortgage-backed securities trader for The First Boston Corporation. He served as Chair of the Mortgage Trading Committee for the Public Securities Association. After working at Bear Stearns, Union Bank of …
Here are two words to add to your lexicon: caliology and oology. Caliology is the study of bird nests- yes, there is a science for this! Birds are amazing architects and can build all sorts of nests depending on species and geography. There are scrape, hole/tunnel, platform, aquatic, cup-shaped, domed/roofed, mud, hanging/woven/stitched, mound, and many …
Working at the Library has meant that I have had to adjust my concept of business history. Prior to working here, doing business research meant finding the most current and up to date information and history meant two years. It wasn’t long after starting that I realized Library of Congress researchers had a much different …