This is the fourth post in a series addressing digital scholarship in business and economic history related to Library of Congress collections. Read the first post, second post, and third post. In my last post, I talked about how I started to learn to read a Sanborn map. I left out one last piece of advice. …
This post was authored by Stephanie Marcus, Science Reference Librarian in the Science, Technology, and Business Division. NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory mission landed the nuclear powered rover Curiosity on the floor of the 96-mile wide Gale Crater on August 6, 2012. In a complicated maneuver using a sky crane, it touched down near “Mount Sharp,” …
The Science, Technology, & Business Division has long sent periodic email updates on “What’s New in Science and Technology”, covering lectures, exhibits, and other news. It has been newly re-named–“What’s New in Science, Technology, & Business”–and will feature updates and information from Business too! If you want to receive occasional emails about special events, lectures, current …
This is a picture of the building that served as the US Mint branch on Esplanade Avenue on the edge of the French Quarter in New Orleans. The Mint in New Orleans was in operation during two separate periods – from 1838 to January 1861 and again from 1879 to 1910. While it hasn’t been …