2020 Junior Fellow Sophie Lefebvre explores advertising in telephone books and offers some suggestions for exploring and understand advertising though telephone books.
In honor of Hubble Space Telescope's 30th launch anniversary, we explore it's early conception and deployment in April 1990 and provide resources for further learning.
During the World War II, the countries involved pushed to advance scientific, technological and medical (STM) research for the war effort. The Library of Congress houses substantial material of original photos, reports, correspondence and manuscripts on scientific, technological and medical research conducted by the United States, Nazi Germany, Imperialist Japan and Fascist Italy
COVID has changed everything, including how people learn. Today we may use computers and the Internet, but correspondence courses as a way to learn have a long tradition in America.
Junior Fellow Sophia Southard writes about two seamstresses Elizabeth Keckley and Ann Lowe working for two first ladies and how their stories are seen withing the historic arch of African Americans in fashion.