We are excited to announce that this year’s Kellogg Biennial Lecture on Jurisprudence will feature political philosopher and Harvard professor Michael Sandel. Set for 3 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 29 in Room 119 of the Library’s Thomas Jefferson Building, the lecture, titled “Justice, Neutrality and Law,” will focus on such questions as whether the law …
In commemoration of Constitution Day, the Law Library of Congress hosted a public program on Wednesday, September 16, that examined the right of religious freedom, which is protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. The program featured Robert P. George, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton University, and Jess Bravin, Supreme Court …
We strive to bring you the best web experience possible. Over time we have updated our homepage and our website, helped launch Congress.gov, and introduced the Indigenous Law Portal. Today, I am happy to announce that there is a newly enhanced Global Legal Monitor (GLM). The Global Legal Monitor is managed by editors Connie Johnson and Wendy Zeldin. …
This is a guest post by Nicolas Boring who has previously written for the blog on a variety of topics including FALQs: Freedom of Speech in France, How Sunday Came to be a Day of Rest in France, Napoleon Bonaparte and Mining Rights in France, French Law Global Legal Collection Highlights, and co-collaborated on the post, Does the …
Today marks the grand re-opening of our newly renovated Law Library Reading Room! The photo below captures the ribbon-cutting ceremony that took place earlier today. Deputy Librarian of Congress and Acting Law Librarian David S. Mao, along with staff from the Reading Room and other divisions within the Library gathered for this event. After decades …
The Great British Baking Show is airing again this fall and I have to confess it is one of my favorite shows. I love the restrained and understated manner of the participants and judges, and enjoy picking up various tips and hints for my own baking. I am also fascinated by the British passion for …
The following is a guest post by Elin Hofverberg, a foreign law research consultant who covers Scandinavian countries at the Law Library of Congress. Elin has previously written on a variety of topics including Glad Syttonde Mai! Celebration of the Bicentenary of the Norwegian Constitution, Happy National Sami Day!, the bicentenary of Norway’s constitution and a …
Everyone loves pirates. As International Talk Like a Pirate Day approaches, especially this year when it’s falling on a Saturday, there’s a built-in excuse for a party. You get to say “Arrr” quite a bit, fly a Jolly Roger, possibly drink rum or carry a cutlass, although one hopes not at the same time. Pirates …