Political cartoons were effective tools used by reformers to promote their criticisms of capitalism with the goal of holding robber barons accountable for excesses.
The Library of Congress is open to all for online office hours on education resources and learning ideas using Library collections. For the next month, join us every Tuesday and Thursday at 2 ET at https://locgov.webex.com/meet/kmcg. Each session will include a 20 minute presentation with plenty of time for questions and answers with Library education …
Historical primary sources provide examples of civic virtue--that is, of citizens dedicating themselves to the common welfare, even at the cost of their own interests. By examining such sources, students can reflect on how civic virtue was practiced in the past, and how the concept might apply today.
Use resources from the Rosa Parks papers to gain personal insights into the lives of this ordinary individual who took extraordinary action and find connections between students’ contemporary experiences and this historic individual.
With spring just around the corner, we thought it might be time to provide another round-up of new collections and other resources that are now available online.
Learn how a Spanish teacher incorporated the Archive of Hispanic Literature on Tape (AHLOT) into her class curriculum after realizing that this collection of audio recordings of literary figures from the Hispanic world would be a useful tool for enhancing her students’ language skills and their knowledge about Hispanic literature and culture.