This post was written by Peter DeCraene, the 2020-21 Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow at the Library of Congress. In elementary school, being assigned to clean the erasers after school was the height of responsibility. I had a teacher who also rotated the job of getting a bucket of water from the janitor’s closet to …
As we noted in a blog post several years ago, the third Monday in February is designated Washington’s Birthday by law, though many people call it Presidents’ Day and celebrate all of the U.S. presidents. We wanted to take an opportunity to highlight resources you might use with your students to honor George Washington and …
Use articles on measles epidemics to support teaching strategies, such as close textual analysis and comparing and contrasting, to help students gain insights into the historical connections between science literacy and citizen behavior.
Is your school or organization a nonprofit? Are you running a program having an impact on literacy? Then consider applying for one of the Library of Congress Literacy Awards.